United Methodist Museum Featuring St. Simons Island and Georgia.
"Preserving the Past to Serve the Future"
It began as a small library and became a Museum when it was dedicated in June 1966 and given its present name. Open to the Public for group orientation, lectures, guided museum tour or treasure hunt for children, please call the museum for reservations.
Established in 1965 by Georgia's Bishop Arthur J. Moore, the Methodist Museum brought a new day for preservation of Georgia, St. Simons Island and Methodist history. Since 1974, the Museum has been the depository for the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church archival records.
Centuries of history unfold... Through displays of the Wesleys in Georgia, the Battle of Bloody Marsh, the Colonial and plantation era, the lumber mill and truck-farming days.
Treasures on display... Handwritten letters of John Wesley and Francis Asbury, Bishop Moore's rare oriental porcelain collection, Howard Chandler Christy painting of Christ, figurines, communion sets, historic photographs.
Missionaries in America... Development of Methodism in America, 1784 founding conference of American Methodism, Francis Asbury ordained first Methodist Bishop in America, The American Circuit Rider, the pioneer days and early American Missionaries.
Library... A 6,000 volume collection is available for genealogical and scholarly research. Journals, biographies, diaries, references on Wesley and early Methodism, South Georgia Conference History, General/Jurisdictional Conference minutes and other publications, letters and manuscripts are available. A collection on the Wesleys in Georgia is of particular interest.
A nine-minute video presents the development of Methodism on St. Simons Island, history of the island and features modern attractions and amenities.
Hours: Call for hours. Open by special request. |
The Arthur J. Moore Methodist Museum, named after the Georgia Bishop of the Methodist Church who also served in World Wide Missions for over 20 years, began as a small library and became a Museum when it was dedicated in June 1966 and given its present name.
The Museum initially had a Southern Methodist focus and contained artifacts gathered by Moore during his travels. Dr. Charles Laymon, a noted theologian, writer and professor of Bible at the University of Florida, was initially responsible for the emphasis to gather John Wesley data and artifacts that rapidly began to fill the displays.
Later, North Georgia clergyman, Rev. David Ogletree began making generous gifts from his substantial collection of Wesley historical artifacts, and many of these are now on display.
A research library in the Museum has also expanded greatly through the years. It is used by students, pastors and others to work on their respective projects.
In the spring of each year, thousands of youth from churches over the Southeastern Jurisdiction gather on weekends on the campus of Epworth by the Sea as part of their Confirmation Class activities. A significant part of their time is spent in the Museum learning about John and Charles Wesley and the beginning of the Methodist movement in America, part of which took place on St. Simons Island — a short distance from where the youth gather.
The history of the development of American Methodism is taught through videos, displays and “circuit rides” through the Museum. During specially scheduled Confirmation weekends actors portray important persons in Methodism such as Bishop Francis Asbury, John and Charles Wesley.
There have been two major expansions of the Museum, the last being in 1982 when a temperature/ humidity controlled vault was installed which made the facility one of the most modern and complete to be found. The South Georgia Conference is the only one in Methodism to have such a facility. The modern-style architecture and glass exterior walls, located on the campus of Epworth by the Sea, provide a sharp contrast to the moss-draped trees, historical landmarks and beautiful beaches in the area.
Admission: Call for fees |
Contact and Address |
Phone: 912-638-8688 - Address: 100 Arthur J. Moore Drive, St. Simons Island, Georgia 31522 |
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