Georgia Department of Labor One-Stop Centers Services
Although no two one-stop systems or centers are exactly alike. The following services are typical workforce services available at a one-stop workforce center, and/or provided in some combination by a GDOL career center, Rehabilitation Services or other local workforce system partner at a nearby location.
Education and Training Services - Information and guidance about career options, occupational classroom training, financial aid resources, and other training services that might be available in the area such as on-the-job training or customized training, access to the Workforce Investment Act Individual Training Account Eligible Provider/Program List system (training programs eligible for WIA Individual Training
Account funding) and Georgia Career Information System (GCIS).
Support Services - Potential eligibility through the Workforce Investment Act for transportation, childcare, tools, uniforms and other needs while in training or when starting work.
Personal Employment Assistance - Individual career exploration, assessment and counseling, and job search assistance from highly trained professionals.
Local and National Job Listings - The world’s largest job listing network and on-line, job referral request system.
Resources Areas - Access to PCs, laser printers, word-processing and résumé writing software, Internet, e-mail, telephone, fax, job search skills workshops, books, videos, and more.
Job Search and Financial Management Workshops - Workshops about writing résumés and cover letters, turning a job interview into a job offer, negotiating a higher salary, and tips on stretching income while searching for a job.
Self-Help Library - Books, videos, software and a variety of career exploration tools available to assist in preparing for a career.
Labor Market Information - Employment trends, area profiles, market projections, job outlook, and wage information.
Assistive Technology (AT) - The latest state-of-the-art equipment for customers with visual and/or hearing impairments.
Veterans Services - Specialized veteran staff to provide employment assistance to all military veterans
Federal Bonding Program - Assistance program for individuals who are unable to obtain commercial bonding required by employers.
Seasonal Farm Worker Services - Information on and referral to agricultural jobs in certain areas of the state.
Unemployment Insurance Benefits - Information about weekly monetary assistance using a PC based self-entry system.
Special Population Services - Services tailored to the needs of the older worker, youth, TANF customers, persons with disabilities, etc.
GA's Dept of Labor One-Stop Center Services locations are listed below by county.
To quickly jump to your county, select the your county name's first letter below.