Welcome to www.n-georgia.com Georgia DOL Search Handbook - Chapter 5 - Establishing Goals - How will you know when you're there? - It's unfortunate that many of us have a tendency to do nothing at all. Just getting started may be the most difficult thing to do when you are unsure of your goals.
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Remember...if you can't tell an employer the type of job you want, he can't image how you can help his business. People who ask for "anything" usually end up with nothing.A good beginning is to decide what you are interested in doing.

The Georgia Department of Labor has several assessment tools that can help you identify your interests. You can match these interests to jobs you're qualified to do. If you are unsure of your job goal(s), ask about these assessment tools. Once you've identified jobs that interest you, you're ready to gather information about those jobs.

As you read about the jobs that interest you, ask yourself the following:
BulletWhat skills are needed for the job?
BulletDoes the job always require experience or special training? If so, can I meet the requirements?
BulletIs this type of job available in my area? If not, am I willing to relocate?
BulletWhat are the hours/days/shifts normally required for this job? Does my schedule permit this flexibility?
BulletWhat is the average wage for this job locally? Is it the same range as my previous job? If lower, does it afford higher future earnings?
BulletWith a little research, you can begin to match your interests and skills to the requirements of jobs (remember the Skills Triangle?). Talking with someone who knows the local labor market will help you narrow your focus.
Georgia Department of Labor staff can provide information and will work with you individually as you make career decisions. Ask for their help.

Georgia D.O.L. Handbook Chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


More D.O.L. - Job Info:
BulletD.O.L. General Info
BulletJob Seekers Services
BulletJob Search Handbook
BulletDept of Labor Locations
BulletOne-Stop Centers Info
BulletOne-Stop Ctrs Locations
BulletONET Program
BulletVocational Rehabilitation
BulletWork Professionals Info
BulletOfficial GA DOL Website

BulletJob Fairs and Events
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